Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Avionics engineering deals with the specialization of electronics of an aircraft. It is the back bone of modern aircrafts. The hi-tech auto pilot system, highly effective navigation, guidance and reliability of flight control system are the few examples that are making flights safer. The project which we came up with is “MOCK UP PLANE”. Actually mock up is called “PROTOTYPE” ” which provides a least part of the functionality of a system. This project is a scaled down model of an aircraft which is fixed on the top of a vertical rod. This model of aircraft is used to demonstrate the primary movements of an aircraft i.e. roll, pitch and yaw. These movements of the aircraft will be demonstrated with the help of wireless remote control and all the basic parameters of an aircraft will be shown on graphical display.

To design a Mock Up Plane which shows three primary movements of an aircraft.

  1. Design Mock-up plane.
  2. To control the movements of aircraft using wireless control.
  3. Show angles of the movements on graphical display.


1.    Mechanical Structure.
2.    Servo Motors.
3.    Airplane Model.
4.    Wireless Remote.
5.    Controllers etc.
1.    Lab View.


1.      Instrument Flying Handbook. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C.: U.S.
2.      Scott, William B. (27 November 2006), "Morphing Wings", Aviation Week & Space Technology
3.       Jesberger, Lee A., "Mock Ups", Pro Woodworking Tips, 2006.
4.      Model Aircraft Aerodynamics, by Martin Simons, Argus, Watford, Herts, England, 1978
5.      Model Airplane Design and Theory of Flight, by Charles Hampson Grant, Jay Publishing Corporation, New York, 1941
6.      RCadvisor′s Model Airplane Design Made Easy, by Carlos Reyes, RCadvisor.com, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2009.